Ethics and Innovation

In Search of an Elusive Magical Key

by Michael Friedlander and Steve Burrows, CBE @ Design Intelligence

Ever found yourself in a smoky bar or trendy coffee shop where architects and engineers congregate? Ever heard someone ask this question in one form or another about the icons of their industries? “Just what is it that makes them so different and special — and successful?”

And as they ponder the question, you may detect the hint of a wry smile as someone with a swirling glass will simply shrug off the question as impossible to answer — and who could seriously blame them?

We believe the answer lies in finding the key that can unlock better performance and improved bottom-line performance. Finding that key is what separates the industry icons from the other mere mortals. But what is that key, and where is it?

We believe the key can be found in ethical environments that allow and encourage leaders to plant seeds that will grow a finely-tuned collaborative culture; the very culture that creates innovation that in turn improves performance and bottom-line.

It is the power of superior innovation that created our icons and distinguishes them from the rest of us.

But, if the key is hidden in ethical environments, we have to start by defining what exactly is an “ethical environment”

Read the full article here.

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